Our Pledge to You

We are dedicated to helping find the right options for your health insurance needs. Here at Lowcountry Health Brokers, we provide you with an education of various health coverage options needed to make an informed choice. As your insurance agent, we are happy to seek out the best health care plan for you or your business from our wide selection of health insurance carriers and assist you in making this important decision.

We understand your Health Insurance is a personal choice and not a transaction. We pledge to provide you peace of mind by insuring our clients fully understand what to expect at all times. Contact us today to discuss your medical insurance needs or to gain a free quote.

About Us

Lowcountry Health Brokers was founded on the necessity to provide a broad range of medical insurance providers to fit the individual needs of each unique client. Gavin and Amanda Barney created Lowcountry Health Brokers in 2014 after they saw the need to help individuals with all aspects of health insurance.

Gavin has a background in the insurance industry that started in 2005. He has numerous leadership awards and is an industry expert on Medicare. Amanda’s background is in Hospitality Management and she has a strict focus on customer care.

Today, Lowcountry Health Brokers is based in Goose Creek, South Carolina but works with clients in South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, West Virginia and Missouri. They are active in retirement communities across the Tri-County area educating residents on Medicare and hosting fun activities.

Get To Know Us

Outside of helping individuals find smart solutions to their health insurance needs, the Barneys enjoy spending time with their two daughters and rescue dogs. Gavin, a West Virginia University graduate, loves cars, spending time in the great outdoors and is fueled by strong black coffee while Amanda enjoys testing out new restaurants, traveling and having fun with the family!